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HomeInventHelp Reviews: New Ideas? Invention And Patent Services You Need

Over recent decades, the world has evolved hugely in many ways, and this is partly down to the genius ideas of inventors. We have seen many incredible new inventions come our way in recent years ranging from medical breakthroughs to tech inventions and more. This has changed the lives of many people for the better and has helped to make a huge positive impact on society as a whole.

Even today, people continue to come up with great invention ideas, and this is something that helps to ensure the continued evolution of the world we live in. Of course, those who are new to inventing might need some support and assistance because this is something that will be completely new to them. If you have a great idea but have no idea what to do next, there is a risk that you could end up just pushing the idea to the back of your mind and forgetting all about it. This is why the services of professionals can prove so invaluable, as they can give new inventors that valuable helping hand and support to move forward with their journeys.

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Among the options that you can consider if you want to find a new inventions service provider is InventHelp, and this is a provider that has decades of experience within the industry. As such, the professionals here are well-equipped to offer support and guidance to new inventors as well as a range of resources and services to help them stay on track during their first invention experience.


For any new inventor, doing proper research into providers is vital, as this will then make it easier for you to determine whether it is the right choice for you. Looking at InventHelp reviews means that you can learn more about the provider, how it can help new inventors, what it does, and whether it is suited to your needs. The more you can learn about the new invention services provider you are considering, the easier it will be for you to make an informed decision.


Naturally, you want to see your new invention idea through to the end, and having the right support and assistance can help you to do this. In this review, we will learn more about InventHelp and its services, which means that you can better determine whether this is a provider that could help you with your vital first invention journey.


More About InventHelp


From finding businesses to review your idea to getting patent protection sorted out, there is a huge amount involved in the new invention process. This is why it is important to consider getting assistance from specialist providers rather than trying to go it alone in what is a complicated and often daunting industry.


With InventHelp, you can benefit from a provider that has been in operation for decades, and which has a strong presence across the United States and Canada. With a history that dates back to the mid-1980, this is an established provider, and it offers a host of services geared toward helping new inventors to move forward with their inventions.


With offices in dozens of cities across the United States and Canada, this provider is also accessible to inventors in different locations. The team here can help with all sorts of aspects of the process, and this is something that provides peace of mind for new inventors who have no idea how the whole process works and what they need to do.


In years gone by, InventHelp has assisted new inventors in all sorts of industries with a wide range of new invention ideas. This includes inventions such as technology, science, medical, green inventions, and much more. So, you can turn to these professionals no matter what type of invention idea you have, and they can provide you with the support, guidance, and access to resources that you need to move forward.


Fast Facts About InventHelp


There are many aspects of a provider that you need to look at when it comes to making a decision about the service you use. You can look at reviews and frequently asked questions to learn more about InventHelp. You can also read through our fast facts below, which will give you a better insight when it comes to what you can expect from this provider:


An Established Provider


One of the things to know about Inventhelp is that it is an established provider with a long and solid background in the new invention industry. When it comes to finding professionals to help you with something as important as your invention, you naturally want to choose a company with a team of experienced professionals, a great track record, and a long and respectable reputation. This is what you can get when you use InventHelp, as the company has been providing its services to new inventors since the middle of the 1980s. The company, therefore, boasts close to four decades of experience and expertise in this field and has established itself as one of the industry leaders in the United States over the decades.


By turning to an established company as a new inventor, you can benefit from greater reassurance and peace of mind. It can be a very difficult decision trying to work out which provider to choose for this type of service, but when you have a provider with a solid track record, it enables you to learn more about their reputation and history.


Diverse Array of Services and Support


Another thing to keep in mind about InventHelp is that it can offer access to a wide range of services and support. This is something that can make a huge positive difference to you as a new inventor, as having professionals with industry knowledge and experience on board can make all the difference to your experience. If you are looking to work with an invention services provider, it is important that you look at the support and guidance that they can offer and how they can help you as a new inventor.


With InventHelp, you can look forward to getting support on many levels, and this is why a lot of new inventors choose this provider. You can get assistance when it comes to everything from patent protection referrals to submitting your idea to companies with an interest in finding new talent. You can learn more about the way in which InventHelp can assist you further in this article. The support and range of services that they offer can help you in many ways through your first experience as an inventor.


Packaged Service for New Inventors


It is important to remember that InventHelp provides a packaged service to new inventors, so the team can help you with various aspects of the process. As a new inventor, you might need help with many processes during your first journey, as this is a provider that can offer the assistance and support that you need. The fact that this is a packaged service means that you do not just get support and help with certain aspects – you can look forward to a comprehensive level of support and services that are designed to make your experience far more manageable.


No Guarantees or False Promises


Some companies with a less-than-stellar reputation will often make false promises to new inventors who come to them with regard to their chances of success or the viability of their ideas. These should be seen as red flags, as professionals in this field would not do this because it is unethical to do so. There are no guarantees when it comes to the success of your invention, and no professional should be trying to convince you otherwise. InventHelp never makes promises and claims about the success of your invention, and rightfully so.


In addition, some unethical providers might provide opinions telling you how great your idea is and how you should pursue it. Again, this is completely unethical and is the result of ulterior motives, so you need to be careful. At InventHelp, you will not receive any opinions on your invention idea from the team.


Transparent and Honest


An additional point to keep in mind about InventHelp is that it prides itself on honesty and transparency. This is something that is very important, as you want to ensure you work with a provider that is going to be clear and open about everything including the costs involved. You can expect total transparency on every level, and you can avoid the risk of hidden fees or undisclosed vital information when you work with InventHelp.


Secure and Confidential


It is also worth bearing in mind that InventHelp takes security and confidentiality very seriously, and this is something that is good news for new inventors. With a range of protocols including confidentiality agreements in place, the risk of your invention details being leaked or revealed is minimized. You can then benefit from greater peace of mind when it comes to the details of your invention, as they will be kept confidential every step of the way throughout your journey.


What Are the Benefits of Turning to InventHelp


Naturally, new inventors are keen to learn what the benefits of turning to InventHelp are, and there are many different ones that you can enjoy. So, let’s take a look at some of the key benefits of using InventHelp for support and assistance when it comes to your first invention journey:


Getting Your Idea Reviewed


One of the really helpful things that the team at InventHelp can do is to help get your invention idea reviewed by businesses that are already interested in the ideas of new inventors. This means that the ideas are submitted to those who are already receptive to looking at and reviewing ideas from new talent, which means that you can overcome the huge problem of trying to find businesses to take an interest in you and your invention. InventHelp has thousands of companies on its database, and this means that there is plenty of scope for you to get your ideas reviewed by relevant companies. This can prove to be invaluable for new inventors with little or no experience within the industry.


Getting Help with Important Processes


Another way in which working with InventHelp can benefit you is the help that you can get with some of the vital processes involved in your invention journey. There are many tasks that have to be undertaken, and as a new inventor you might have no experience and you might not even be aware of their importance. There are some processes where getting assistance from the experts can prove invaluable, and this is where the team at InventHelp can assist.


One of the things that they can help with during the process is the patent protection that you need to get into place to protect your invention idea. Without this, others could take your idea or design and claim it was theirs, or someone else could come up with the same idea and patent it before you do. The team at InventHelp can assist with referrals to specialist patent lawyers to ensure you get the protection that you need.


Another of the important processes that the team can assist with is getting a prototype sorted out so that you can show others what your invention looks like, how it works, and what it does. Having something tangible rather than just talking about your idea can make a big difference when it comes to generating interest among businesses and potential investors, so getting assistance with your prototype can prove invaluable.


Of course, as mentioned earlier, the team also assists with getting your idea heard by companies that are interested in fresh new invention talent. With thousands of companies on the database, they can help to ensure your idea is heard by the right people, which can prove to be a huge stepping-stone for you as a new inventor.


Access to Support and Guidance


As a new inventor, you can benefit hugely from having access to a high level of support and guidance from those with the right knowledge and expertise. If you do not have this, it is all too easy to give up because the process can be daunting, confusing, and stressful for a newbie. InventHelp offers a high level of support and assistance from the very start of your journey to the end, and this means that you will always feel supported and never have to worry about feeling completely stuck. With access to advice and support around the clock, you have experts on hand whenever you need them to assist you during your journey.


Learning as You Go


When you embark upon your first journey as an inventor, it can prove very useful to pick up as much information and knowledge as you can moving forward. This is something that will help you on your initial invention journey, but it can also help when it comes to future journeys. When you work with InventHelp, you can benefit from the support and guidance of experienced experts as well as access to valuable resources and tools during your journey. All of this makes it much easier for you to learn as you go along, which can make your experience more enriching and can provide you with knowledge and skills to help you in the future.


Boosting Motivation and Confidence


When you start out as a new inventor, you will probably feel excited and enthusiastic about your journey and your future. However, if you are trying to do it all alone, things can become stressful and complicated very quickly, and this can result in you losing confidence and motivation. In fact, it could lead to you giving up on your invention dreams altogether because you end up feeling lost and frustrated with nobody to turn to for support and guidance. When you turn to InventHelp, you will have access to a high level of support, and this can make a big difference when it comes to your motivation and confidence levels. This will make it easier for you to stay on track and continue moving forward with your invention journey.


Pros and Cons of Using InventHelp


As with any service provider for any type of service, it is always important to consider both the pros and cons of using a company such as InventHelp. Weighing these up will make it easier for you to make informed decisions, and it means that you can benefit from greater peace of mind when you make your choice. Some of the ones to consider are:
















There is a fee for services which can vary on a case-by-case basis, but the company is open and transparent about this


No opinions offered on ideas, but this is because it would be unethical of the team to do this


As you can see, the pros by far outweigh the cons, and you can expect high standards and a lot of support when you use this provider. This is why many new inventors now turn to the InventHelp team to assist them on their first journey.


InventHelp Reviews from Inventors


Another thing that is well worth doing if you want to get a better idea of whether this is the right provider for you is to look at reviews that have been submitted by other people. Many inventors who have already worked with the team at InventHelp have left reviews about their experience or comments online, and by reading these, you will be able to make an informed decision with far greater ease. Some of the reviews and comments that have been submitted online are:


Nathaniel – “InventHelp has a lot of experienced people working for them. Some of them have been with the company for 10 or more years. And these people know everything there is to know about inventions, how to patent them and protect them, how to market and to whom, etc. IH has been of invaluable help to me, and I have been with them for the past 8 years. I launched 3 inventions in this time, and I am always amazed at how they work and the results I get in the end.”


Riana – “I used InventHelp's services a few years back. I was just a new inventor that had no idea of what was needed to actually patent and protect an invention. All I knew was that I had invented something amazing but didn't know how to make it available to the public and make money from it. Fortunately, I heard about InventHelp from a friend of a friend. They explained in great detail the procedure we were about to embark on and while it sounded scary, I trusted them. The first time when you hear what needs to be done, you'll want to run. Don't. Keep your calm and trust these guys. They know what they are doing, and they will help you a lot. I launched my first invention, and it became successful with their help. They found companies interested in it and made my job so much easier.”


Anthony Allen – “Definitely five stars and beyond. My experience with the team at InventHelp has truly given me confidence and motivation to move forward with persistence and determination. The knowledge, skill, and professionalism of everyone I’ve talked to and consulted with in relation to my invention thus far had been outstanding. Thank you very much InventHelp. I truly appreciate your hard work, dedication, and ability to get it done.”


Of course, these are just a handful of the many comments and reviews that have been left online by those who have turned to InventHelp for assistance with their invention ideas. It is always vital that you read through a range of reviews, comments, and testimonials to get a better idea of what to expect, what the benefits are likely to be, and what the pitfalls might be. This will make it far easier for you to make your decision.


Keeping You on Track


One of the key things to remember when you use professionals such as InventHelp is that it can make a big difference in terms of keeping you on track. As mentioned previously, there are no guarantees of success, and any company that claims to provide a guarantee of this sort should be avoided. However, what the team at InventHelp can do is to provide you with the support, guidance, and assistance that you need to keep moving forward with your idea, and to make your first journey as an inventor a smoother and far more enjoyable one.


A remarkable number of new inventors fail to get very far before giving up, and this is because the process can be daunting and stressful. If you have no support or guidance from those with experience, it can be all the more difficult to move forward with your invention. When you have the team at InventHelp to turn to, you can continue with your journey safe in the knowledge that you have experts you can turn to whenever you need support and help.


The fact that the team can help you on so many levels and with so many aspects of the process is also hugely beneficial. Many new inventors have no idea what is involved in the process, and the complications and hurdles that they face can come as quite a shock. For those who have no support or guidance, this can lead to them giving up because they simply have no idea how to move forward with the process. However, for those who do have the right support in place, these hurdles and challenges are far easier to overcome.


The Bottom Line


In summary, InventHelp has become a popular choice with new inventors because of its reputation, track record, and the fact that it is an established provider with decades of experience. Naturally, when it comes to something as important as your invention, you want to work with a company that you can trust, and which has a solid reputation in the industry. This is a goal that you can achieve when you work with the team at InventHelp.


By doing your own research, checking out reviews and comments, and learning more about the history of the company, you can put your mind at ease regarding whether this is the right option for you. This then means that you can start your invention journey with greater confidence and with the right support on hand when you need it.